Tuesday 24 February 2015




We Hindus live in a fools' paradise.

For the first time since Independence, a self-professed nationalist party won the elections and formed the govt in 2014. This has made nationalist Hindus proud, but also complacent and short-sighted. And almost stupid.But let us look at some figures first.

World population by religion

According to the World Fact Book,2013, world population was 709.5 Crores in 2013. The share of major religions is as under:

Christianity                  220 cr        31%
Islam                          180 cr        23%
non-believer                110 cr        16.3%
Hindus                        100  cr       16%
Chinese traditional         39.4  cr
Buddhism                     37.6  cr  
Judaism                         1.4   cr

The geographical distribution of  religious population is shown below.

Prevailing world religions.
ByLilTek21 at en.Wikipedia [GFDL(http:://www.gnu.org

The point to note is that while all other major religions of the world are spread out in many countries, Hinduism is confined to India alone- we have never converted other people.

Muslim conquest of India:
Relentless progress : Timur to Tipu:

India of the Hindus has been subject to invasions for many centuries. Greeks, Huns and others invaded India. Then, since 711 AD, Muslims invaded- Turks, Afghans, Mongols etc. The difference between the earlier and Muslim invasions was that all the earlier invaders settled in India and became one with us- Hindus. But the Muslims came as plunderers, looters and invaders and they did not integrate with us- they always retained their separate identity. Jinnah spoke about the 'two nation' theory.And their chief mission was to  convert   the infidels of India to Islam. 

They succeeded - there are now 62 crore Muslims in the real, old India (Pakistan, India and Bangladesh) as against 82 crore Hindus. Muslims in these countries constitute 11%, 10.9%, and 9.2% of the world Muslim population, next only to Indonesia- 12%, which is the largest Muslim country in the world. So, the three countries with  the next largest Muslim population in the world are in the old undivided India! Apparently, it appears that India has escaped becoming Muslim; but in reality, Hindus are losing ground, gradually.  Muslim population has grown steadily in India, from about 10% of the population in 1951 to about 14.4% in 2013. Now, Hindus constitute only 80% .

 According to Wikipedia,there are 126 countries in the world with Christian majorities; in 71 countries, Christians are minorities. There are 47 countries with Muslim majorities, and many countries with Muslim minorities.

India is the only home of Hindus in the world. Yet the so called 'intellectuals' and leftist and secular forces do not consider India a Hindu country.

Hindus have been targets of conversion of Islam for the last 1300 years. They attempted it through conquest and force. Islamic  expansion by conquest had begun even in the time of their prophet Mohammad and by middle ages, the entire silk route was surrounded by Islamic states.

The Muslims never had a doubt in their mind that they had to conquer and convert the rest of the people. Timur, also called Tamerlane, made it clear why he invaded India:

My principal object in coming to Hindustan has been to accomplish two things. The first was to war with the infidels, the enemies of the Mohammedan religion and by this religious warfare to acquire some claim to reward in the life to come. The other was that the army of Islam might gain something by plundering  the wealth and valuables of the infidels: plunder in war is as lawful as their mothers' milk to Musalmans who war for their faith.

This is a very honest and straight statement of the Muslim intent. Timur invaded and sacked Delhi in 1398, killing 1,00,000 people whom he captured there. The tactics he adopted in this war are very notorious.

 Muslims never gave up their zeal to convert. Even  as late as 1790s, Tipu Sultan savagely invaded the Coorg and Malabar regions and forcibly converted over 4 lakh Hindus; he destroyed 8000 temples in the process, confiscating their entire wealth. Even the image of Guruvayurappan had to be taken away to Trivancore for safety. In his regime, only two Hindu temples were spared: Srirangapatna and Melkote, and that on the advice of his astrologers! It is also on the advice of his astrologers, after his defeat by the English in the third Mysore War in 1792 that he met Sringeri Sankaracharya and gifted some lands, in order that he may regain his glory! His epitaph in Srirangapatna says ""Haidari Sultan who died for the Faith'. It says:

Noor Islam wa din z' dunya raft
Tipu ba wajah din Muhammad shaheed shud

The light of Islam and the faith left the world;
Tipu on account of the faith of Muhammad was a martyr.

North or South, East or West, Muslims are Muslims first and last and their greatest and main objective is to convert the infidels, which they consider  their religious duty. 

Merchants of Calicut being chained by order of Tipu Sultan.
It is well documented that Tipu invited Muslim rulers of Afghanistan, Turkey and Iran to invade India to subdue the infidels.

The Christian Assault:
Govt, Missionaries and Education

If Muslims adopted forced conversion, the English were more sophisticated and had two fine blades in their scissors , with a secret weapon behind them: division and education, backed by the Missionaries. Their administration was outwardly neutral, but they divided Indians into Hindus and Muslims first, and then divided Hindus also into Aryans and Dravidians and further subdivided each into many categories. All this was fed into their educational system. The Christian missionaries here took over: they not only converted the people openly; the very educational system served as a springboard for their efforts, brainwashing generations of Hindu youth. When these people entered the ranks of bureaucrats and babus, and took up other professions, their baptism as agents of the English was complete. Many Indians do not realise that this is the main educational system that we still carry on , and that over 30% of our children still attend Christian schools. 

After his famous minute of 1835, Macaulay wrote to his father in 1836:

Our English schools are flourishing wonderfully. The effect of this education on the Hindoos is prodigious...

It is my belief that if our plans of education are followed up, there will not be a single idolater among the respectable classes in Bengal thirty years hence. And this will be done without any efforts to proselytise, without the smallest interference with religious liberty....I heartily rejoice in the prospect.

Mahatma Gandhi quoted this letter in 'Young India' on 29 March 1928 and commented:

I do not know whether Macaulay's dream that English-educated India would abandon its religious belief has been realized. But we know too that he had another dream, namely to supply through English-educated India clerks and the like for the English rulers. That dream has certainly been realized beyond all expectations.

Well, we may assure the Mahatma that both dreams have been realised. Though with some delay. For in the year in which English education was forced on us, 1836, was also born Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, who without formal school education attracted the English-educated elite of Bengal, and reformers like Keshab Chandra Sen and stemmed the anti-Hindu propaganda.

 Almost 60 years later his disciple and a fine specimen of the fusion of English education and Indian Culture and Wisdom, Swami Vivekananda went to America and made the educated elite there realise the greatness of Hindu religion. Then came Sri Aurobindo who shook the British administration almost single-handed and defended Hindu civilisation.

Colonial policies continued after Independence: leftist take-over

But after Independence, Nehru ignored Gandhi 's ideas completely in all spheres  and simply continued with the same  colonial education and administrative systems. The other national leaders were not included in the reckoning. Later the leftists who ruled Bengal  for more than 30 years completely rewrote our history, specifically to :

  • show ancient Hindu India in bad light
  • to show Muslim invaders in glowing colours
  • to show Muslims and English as the civilisers of India.
As it is the leftist and anti-Hindu elements which have been in authority so far, three generations of Indians have grown up with negative thoughts about India and absolutely no idea of our own true history and culture, even our economic and scientific achievements! So, Macaulay has indeed succeeded beyond all expectations.

How free are the Hindus?
What are they free for?

One comment is necessary  about the claim of Macaulay that their education did not interfere with religious liberty. Apparently it is so. But what did they teach in the schools: that Indians were fools and barbarians, that their religious poetry was primitive, that they were superstitious and backward, etc! So while we were free to practise our religion, our children were being taught that that religion was barbaric! Did we have an alternative to govt school systems? We had an economic compulsion to seek that kind of education resulting in a degree or diploma or certificate . Even when we had private schools, the syllabus was the same. What kind of freedom was this?

Ironically, the same situation continues even today! We are free to have our schools, but the syllabus is the same! And that syllabus rubbishes Hindus, glorifies Muslims and English rule as the modernisers of India! And today, that education system, especially the engineering part of it, prepares our children to  go and work almost like bonded labour in US and other countries! 

Some may say that Indians have now become CEOs of MNCs. Fine! But this is like saying that many Indians were Knighted, were made Rao Bahadurs and Diwan Bahadurs by the British!  Yes, but they only assisted the British to loot India and perpetuate their hold! Likewise an Indian CEO like that of Pepsi is only helping the company earn profit in India! Do they serve India or their companies?

Indra Nooyi, CEO. Pepsico.
By JeffBedford from Arlington,Virginia, United States
[CC BY-SA 2.0 Creative Commons.Wikimedia Commons.

As the people who have been through such schooling will continue to be manning our govt depts, educational institutions, media, the professions, etc , India will continue to be in the grip of anti-Hindus, who call themselves secularists and intellectuals, for many years more. One victory of one Modi in one election is not going to make such a change. We have to change the educational system- make it reflect Indian genius and achievements, and teach true Indian history. As K.M.Munshi and R.C.Majumdar showed us, the history of the invaders of India does not become the true history of the land. In spite of all such invasions, Indian Hindu civilisation has continued. We have driven out even the British! This is the true history  of India. This is what must be taught.

We should not make the mistake of mistaking English medium for the faults of administration and equate nationalism with hatred of English.

Persecution of the majority!

All over the world,  religious and ethnic minorities face problems (by mostly Muslims and Christians )  But in India, the Hindu majority is persecuted in its own motherland! The administration, the media, the newspapers are all harping on minority rights which are already guaranteed in the Constitution. They are dictating the terms of public discourse, effectively eliminating and silencing the nationalist voice, as if the majority have no rights! Islam and Christianity as also the so called secular outfits are all global forces with enormous financial and political clout. Hinduism is not. Nor do Hindus have friends among influential countries or groups in the world, which are either Christian or Muslim! Hindus should realise this- how isolated they are in the world and see the reality: Elation or complacency is unwarranted.


Hindu leaders, when they assume office, bend over backwards to please minorities, instead of treating every one equal under law. 

Pope  John Paul visited India in '99 during Deepavali to address a Catholic meeting when Vajpayee was the PM. On 6,November, '99, the Pope had the audacity to declare in Delhi, the Indian Capital, that in the first millennium after Jesus, they planted Christianity on Europe; in the second millennium, they spread it  to Africa and America; now in the third millennium they should concentrate on Asia! And he specifically said that Hindus, Jains, Sikhs and Buddhists would be converted in India! ( He did not dare to mention Muslims)  Vajpayee allegedly thanked him for coming to India during Deepavali and adding more light to the festival! Was it light or fire that the Pope added?

The irony is that both China and Sri Lanka had refused permission for the Pope's visit!

Now, Modi, the darling of the thoughtless Hindutva crowd, participated in a Catholic meeting to honour two priests from Kerala being made Catholic Saints. And this was on the auspicious Shivratri day, 17 February, 2015! And Modi made the usual speech about India not only tolerating  but treating all religions as true! Does Modi know why they were made saints?

But why did they choose Shivratri day? 

In the whole world, only Indian leaders behave like this.

And Modi's darling friend from USA, President Obama, after having a 'cushy' time in India gave him a parting kick: a sermon on religious toleration in India, and subsequently told in Washington that the present intolerance in India would  have made Mahatma Gandhi sad! Did Obama or Modi ever read what Gandhiji had written on missionaries?

Does Obama not know that Japan does not give citizenship to Muslims or resident permits and that Muslims are not permitted to do any publicity of their religion there and that they are asked to practise their religion at home, that no Muslim leader has visited Japan so far? Would Obama ever dare to preach to Japan? 

Only Indian leaders are capable of such wishful thinking and actions-that by praising other religions and their leaders, they could gain respect or acceptability in their circles. This would never happen: no one respects anyone who lacks self-respect.

We cannot help wondering whether Modi is aware of the damage he has caused to the Hindu cause? Christianity and Islam are both proselytising religions by their very nature and have so far expanded by conquest and conversion. This is the lesson of world history in the last 2000 years. The mandate to convert is part of their religion- as they understand it; it will not go by our wishful thinking.

Has any Christian or Islamic leader of importance ever said that they treated Hinduism as true or equal or deserving  of respect? Mr.Modi should not kid himself and fool the Hindus!

Hindus should not blindly  trust Modi any more. 

Hindu temple vadalised in US on 16 Feb,2015, on the eve of Shivratri. What has Obama to say on religious toleration in his land?

NOTE:1. As Hindus, we have no problem with any religion; we respect all religions and honour their holy men. This is our historic tradition. Any problem in India has been caused by the attempts at  mass conversion. Individuals do have a change of heart and mind and change their faith. This never causes a problem ( except perhaps in Islam where apostasy is not permitted.) The problem is with organised conversions.

Those who claim the right to convert cannot deny the right of the targeted people to resist.  

2. The following books may be seen:

i.Arun Shourie: Eminent Historians. HarperCollins Publishers, India, 2014. (first published in 1998). This details how leftist historians  and govts have doctored our history textbooks.
ii.Sandeep Balakrishna: Tipu Sultan- The Tyrant of Mysore. Rare Publications,2013. This deals with the work and times of Tipu Sultan, based on historical records.

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