Monday 30 March 2015




The Haryana govt. decides to introduce the Bhagavad Gita in the school curriculum. Secular outfits- the self styled intellectuals and  leftist newspapers like The Hindu are crying foul, calling it indoctrination. The so called nationalist elements are happy, that something is being done to uphold 'Hindu dharma' at last. Both are mistaken.

Take the charge of 'indoctrination' touted by the leftist-secular combine. It is not that the teaching of the Gita alone, amounts to indoctrination. The whole of the educational system, from the elementary classes onwards, is an elaborate and regimented system of indoctrination. Take any language or subject- one has to learn it in the manner prescribed in the syllabus, as written in the textbooks, as taught by the teachers, as assessed by examiners - all controlled by the govt at every stage. Even in colleges, one cannot question the textbooks, cannot argue with the teacher, cannot give a different idea or version.

 In Tamil Nadu for instance, it is taught that Aryans invaded India around 1500 BC, that Mohanjodaro-Harappa were Dravidian, that this civilisation was destroyed by nomadic Aryan tribes,etc. Ask them for the proof- you will be dubbed an Aryan or his agent. Is this not indoctrination?

Take the freedom movement. We are taught that it was exclusively or mainly the work of Gandhi-Nehru group. What about Lal-Pal- Bal? or Sri Aurobindo? or Netaji Bose? or Veer Savarkar? or Bhagat Singh? You must be a Hindu fundamentalist or fascist if you raise such issues. Is this not indoctrination?

If you look at the language textbooks, you will see a standardised language. The student has to reproduce the exact words in answering the examination- not one word less or more. (I have seen the answer scripts evaluated and returned by the teachers).The govts  make some languages compulsory.  Is  not all this  indoctrination?

Take the general ideas that are taught through the system: democracy, socialism, secularism (as defined by them). Do they not amount to indoctrination? 

This is at an elementary level. If you go deeper, you will find that the very idea of compulsory education all over the world is for indoctrination- of what the ruling cliques consider desirable or good for the country; in totalitarian countries or even Indian states ruled by communists, it is what the comrades determined for the benefit of the people. And if you think still deeper, like Ivan Illich, you will find that the whole system is to indoctrinate the people to become consumers to sustain the military-industrial complex. So, whether it is totalitarian or so called capitalist system, education is an instrument of indoctrination at the hands of the ruling powers.

 From: www.integratingdarkand
A million thanks. This expresses my idea beautifully!

It is what even newspapers like The Hindu do. By supporting the leftist line, and projecting their world view, they are slowly indoctrinating their readers. Is the Hindu neutral in its reporting or in its editorials or op-ed features? Even take their literary supplements.Do they not cover the items liked by the editor? Are not the choice and comments according to the editor's preferences or prejudices? Does this not amount to indoctrination?

So the problem is not about indoctrination- it is about the type of indoctrination. If the indoctrination is for the leftist-pseudo secular-progressive ideas, it is right. If it is different it is wrong. This is the position of the so called secular clique.

Ivan Illich (1926-2002), one of the greatest  original thinkers and social critics of the 20th century. Everyone interested in the subject of education should read his book 'Deschooling Society' to understand the damage being done by our education system in modern economies.
This picture taken from: http::// Gratefully acknowledged.

 Sheep herded in a Kashmir farm.

And unifromed children herded in a Thai scool- as in formal schools  all over the world. 

Now take the other side- those people who believe that the Gita is a noble or excellent scripture and that it should be taught to every one. These people may be prompted by a genuine desire to teach people to learn good things. But they are being naive, or down right idiotic. 

Copyright status not known. Acknowledged with thanks.

Those who have studied the Gita know it to be a great scripture. But it is an essentially religious book, not secular literature. The Gita itself calls itself an Upanishad, Brahmavidya and Yogashastra. Every chapter in the Gita is called a Yoga. In the colophon at the end of every chapter it clearly says:

Om tat sat iti Srimad Bhagavad Gitasu Upanishatsu Brahmavidyayam Yogashastre Sri Krishnaarjuna samvadae.......etc
Now, it is evident, that the Gita cannot be considered apart from the specific context: the Mahabharata war, the personalities of Krishna and Arjuna, the tradition of Brahmavidya, Upanishad and Yoga, the concept of Om, Tat, Sat, etc. The whole of the Gita deals with dharma- the concept and its varied dimensions. Finally, Krishna says: discard all dharmas and surrender to Me. It is very clear that the Gita is thus a supremely religious, specifically Hindu book. What right has anybody got to inflict it on every one, especially others who may not believe in or subscribe to any of these ideas?

And I will go a step further and say that those who advocate the indiscriminate and universal teaching of the Gita are not even proper Hindus. They are fanatic idiots.

Let us study the Gita itself carefully and see whether it has any rules regarding its teaching.. At the end of his discourse, Krishna  calls it:

- "Guhyat guhyataram:" ( 18.63)
    wisdom more profound than all profundities

 "Sarva Guhya tamam"  and 
"Mae paramam vacha" ( 18.64)
  the profoundest of all.
  My supreme word

- imam paramam guhyam (18.68)
  this deeply profound wisdom

 He also lays down as to whom it should be taught. 

Idam te naatapaskaaya 
naabhaktaaya  kadaachana
Na cha ashushrushavae vaachyam
na cha maam ya: abhyasooyati         18.67

This is never to be spoken by you  to one who is devoid of austerities or devotion, nor to one who does not render service, nor to one who cavils at Me.

In the very next sloka, ie 18.68, Krishna says this is to be taught by one to His devotees : madh bhakteshu.

It is thus very clear that Gita is not meant for every one; it is not to be taught to every one; it has to be studied by one with proper preparation and qualification.

So, what is one to think of those who want to impose the study of Gita on every one-even among the so called Hindus, leave alone non-Hindus? Whatever may be the intention, such people are ABSOLUTE IDIOTS, DOUBLE-FILTERED FOOLS. They are the great enemies of Hinduism. 

In any religion, the effort to impose one doctrine or view on every one is indicative of a very low I.Q of the people who make such moves, and fanaticism. This is very unfortunate. 

The Bhagavad Gita is the supreme wisdom of the Hindu tradition. It is not to be made vulgar or cheap by being introduced in the rotten school system, through teachers who may or may not be interested or competent or devoted. 

In the famous Sermon on the Mount, Lord Jesus Christ said:

Do not give what is holy to the dogs, nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet and turn and tear you in pieces.                              Matthew 7.6

It can be seen that this is an echo of what Lord Krishna has said in the Gita. 
When will these Hindu idiots learn? Will they ever learn?


It is a fundamental tenet of Hinduism that great teachings should only be imparted to the proper persons- those who have qualified themselves by suitable preparation by way of learning, austerity,penance,discipline, due discharge of duties, etc. And it is always for the earnest student to go in search of a teacher. No true teacher goes around searching for students in religious matters. They do not advertise or advance themselves. As Sri Ramakrishna said, when the flower opens , the bees come of their own. All our scriptures lay down qualifications for learning Upanishads, Brahmavidya. 

Thus Kena Upanishad:

Tasyai tapo dama:
Karmeti pratishtitha veda:
Sarvaangaani satyam aayatanam        4.8

Austerity, self-restraint and spiritual practice form the foundation of Self-Knowledge. The Vedas are its limbs, Truth is its abode.

Thus Mandukya Upanishad:

Tad etat rchaabhyuktam
Kriyavanta: shrotriya Brahmanishta:
Svayam juhvata ekarshim shraddhayanta:
Teshaam aevitaam Brahmavidyam vadaeta
Shirovrtam vidhivadhyaistu cheernam.    3.2.10

This very doctrine is declared in the verse.

Those who perform the rites, who are learned in the scriptures, who are well established in Brahman, those who offer themselves as oblation to the sole seer with faith, by whom the rite of carrying the fire on their head (Shirovratam- a type of tapas) has been performed- to them alone one may declare this Brahmavidya- this supreme knowledge of Brahman. (It is evident that some words here in this passage are pregnant with mystical  and symbolic significance).

As the Gita is both Brahmavidya and Upanishad, all the austerities and preparations and precautions prescribed in the scriptures are to be observed before one takes up the study of the Gita in earnest.This is what Krishna himself reiterates in the Gita. It can be seen how foolish is the idea of teaching it through the school system. And how anti-Hindu in spirit!

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